Tuesday, February 06, 2007
***DREAMGIRLS Review***
'Bout time, right?

Eddie Murphy was great though! I liked him more than anyone else! Especially in the scene at the Christmas party when he was on the couch "sinning". THAT WAS ACTING! Did you see the non-verbal communication go down in that scene!?!? I loved it.
Yeah, I don't know much about movies. A lot of the ones I like don't win awards anyway, so I can't say I know what is worthy and what isn't. But I wasn't floored like I was hoping to be. I can't listen to Black people when it comes to movie award merit and credentials. Primarily because when Halle Berry won for "Monster's Ball", not one single solitary Negro could explain WHY she did. All I heard was "Halle! That's my girl! She PLAYED that part!" Huh? I'm sure if she didn't win (or include an interracial porn scene) a good number of folks wouldn't have cared anyway.
I clearly don't understand movies enough to know what qualifies people for big-time accolades like an Oscar or Academy Award.
She didn't suck, her story was told indirectly, and she played the role she should have-- herself. I wonder if LaTavia and LeToya watched the movie like "Unh huh...", rolling their eyes the whole time.
Now the Temptations movie????

THAT was that stuff right there!
Man, I had to hold it together when Blue died. I needed a moment. It was that same sadness when Luther Vandross made an appearance on some award show after his stroke, and couldn't do justice to his own song. I did the Denzel two-tear-stone-face-Glory movie cry. It was hard. Now if that won an award I could understand. Dreamgirls didn't get me like that.
Man, I had to hold it together when Blue died. I needed a moment. It was that same sadness when Luther Vandross made an appearance on some award show after his stroke, and couldn't do justice to his own song. I did the Denzel two-tear-stone-face-Glory movie cry. It was hard. Now if that won an award I could understand. Dreamgirls didn't get me like that.
Oh well.