I’m such a bitch sometimes.

I just came from a lunch date with this guy I met 2 weeks ago and I intentionally did/said things to turn him off. Hopefully it worked. We'll see. A few days ago, he decided that he likes me and told me. Well I wasn’t exactly floored but I totally respected him for his brazen declaration. It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that (if you mean it). And there’s nothing wrong with him. He’s a nice guy (i.e. He hasn’t said or done anything to offend me yet)

from Alabama (steeeerike ONE!).
I know, “Why does being from Alabama count against him?”

I created a very immature location selection system in college that has yet to fail me. Knowing that it is indeed immature and judgemental does not hinder its usage because the damn thing WORKS. There are people I refuse to date (seriously) based on where they are from. These areas are: Alabama, Arkansas, Northern Florida, New Jersey, Boston, Northern California, and D.C./Maryland. I feel like I’m forgetting one but it’ll come to me eventually. Anyway, those are my
No Zones. Of course there are exceptions but I’ve never been compelled to make one as of yet.
I’m open to it.
But this guy isn’t getting one.

Because aside from being from Alabama, homeboy is just…well…THERE. He isn’t interesting (steeerike TWO!). Nothing about him intrigues me. And don’t go into that “Oh so dudes are supposed to be there to entertain y

ou?” To a certain degree, yes. The reason why you and I are friends (if we are) is because there’s a mutual level in interest in the other person. Some of you folks are just downright FASCINATING to me. And no, you don’t wear anything crazy or color your hair in funky shades, but just who you are….your whole setup and composition…the dynamics of YOU are interesting. Shoot, even some of the assholes and straight up jerks I've gone out with were interesting! Hell, the people I would
never go out with and
really don't like are INTERESTING!
This guy doesn’t have that.
Nothing "wrong" with him.
He’s just “nice” and he likes me.
Maybe that’s part of it too though. I don't like to be liked first. I like to like first and then later they decide they like me too, and because they are go-getters they go and attempt to get, and by the time I am approached I already know I’m interested so things should be cool. (Perhaps that's some of the "man" in me my guy homies refer to at times? Whatever. I like to hunt!) For the first 2 outings anyway.
Speaking of outings…
How many “Open Minded” ones should one have before peacing out is deemed as “fair” because you gave the person “a chance”???
[Thank goodness, I don't tell guys that I date about my blog. Lawd, I'd have to hold all this mess INSIDE until I busted at the seams. ]
# posted by E-RANTS AND INSIGHTS : 2:30 PM