Tuesday, July 31, 2007
One day people are going to get that calling me "selfish" does not offend me.
I already know that about myself.
Actually, that isn't accurate:I'm self-centered-- not selfish. Meaning, (for me anyway) that I am the center of my world but not at your expense. I have my own spotlight that I work. I don't seek anyone else's and I certainly don't want to take it either.

If you really want to offend me, call me "nice".
If you really want to offend me, call me "nice".
(I hate that shit. )
I can't think of a more offensive "compliment".
It says nothing.
It's a WORD that says nothing.
I interpret "nice" to mean "you haven't offended me yet". And what exactly is that saying? That I'm politically correct and harmless???
You can have that crap.
At least that communicates SOMETHING with a background color.