Sunday, August 05, 2007

Fifty and FIERCE!

Now this is what I'm talking about...Robin C. Brooks:
52 years-old and FLY!

(As stated in Vogue magazine's 2007 August issue:)
Robin Brooks, 52, chairman and CEO of Brooks Food Group
At 52, she has gorgeous, unlined skin and a body most 25-year-olds would kill for. But there is a strength and a presence that go well beyond the clothes and the car and the immaculate grooming, beyond the gold-and-diamond Cartier Tank Française watch and the vintage gold Cartier bangles and the pretty pear-shaped topaz held by a thin gold chain at the nape of her neck. Call it glamorous gravitas, and it attracts not just attention but respect.

Self-maintained, successful, and making it look GOOD at the same time.

This right here is what all of my current vanity is for: future options.

I don't give a damn about how attractive I am considered at my age right now. If you ask me, this is the way nature designed it and it means absolutely NOTHING.
I'm young.
Time is on my side at the moment.

But to be considered such at 40 and 50-years old???
THAT is when women need to pat themselves on the back!

Think back to high school or college when certain people were considered to be "It" factors.
Then a few years later, you run into them at the grocery store and find yourself trying to mask your disappointing shock of their downfall. Some folks just aesthetically peak early, which is unfortunate.

But for the late bloomers?
We have an edge, lol.

Okay, that sounded really f*kked up but it's what I think.

One day, I tell ya...

one day:o)

DAMN! That is all I have to say about that one. Damn. I want to be like her one day if it is possible. BUT I have one question: DOES SHE HAVE KIDS?!?!? If she does, then I will bow to her, her trainer, the good genes she has, and all of that. If she doesn't have kids then....well... enough said.
Yep, she has a daughter!
YAY late bloomers! I'm one of those, and it's about to be on...i kinda feel bad for those losers who peeked in high school...whose the geek now biatches!?!
That's the way aw huh aw huh I like it.
LOL@ joyelle and Jerrold
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