Saturday, September 20, 2008
I'm Back B*tches!
I'm back!
No more threats, WTF calls, emails, and texts from y'all.
I'm here.
Stop harassing me.
Where do I start?
I'm waaaaaay overdue for an update, so I'll spare us all the long and drawn-out soliloquy that you'll get bored reading and I'll fall asleep writing.
- I left my job.
That's right boys and girls! I no longer work at the company I've worked for the past year and a half. Many...actually...MOST of y'all are probably celebrating. For whatever reason, the 70-hour work weeks bothered YOU more than me but what can I say? I'll chalk it up to love and keep it moving. I didn't get fired. I didn't leave because I was pissed off. I definitely didn't go out like this chick (LMAO!):
So why the departure? I got clear around March that I was not willing to do everything it took to be successful at that job. At the end of the day, it had no integrity for me to be there collecting checks. So I left. On excellent terms, may I add. They threw me a going away party, bought me cool stuff, and made me cry 50 different times with sentimental adieus. It was awesome. I have nothing bad to say about the company or my experience so don't wait for disgruntled venting. It doesn't exist:-)
- I finally got a crush!
That was such a cool thing. It last almost a week too! 6 days to be exact, which is technically a work week, so I'm just going to round up. A fantastic White guy I had known for a while but didn't appreciate until then. What came of it? Absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact, he is completely clueless that it ever existed. Why the fade of interest? Well on Friday morning, as I was testing the temperature of the water in my shower, I conjured him up in my thoughts to see if the prior zing! was there. It wasn't. I tried again, and I just didn't get excited about any possibility of seeing or talking to him that day or any day. I was done. It was unfortunate. But it was a thrilling 6 days:-)
- I like a guy!
Obviously, not my still-fantastic White crush of yesteryear, but an unexpected Black guy who is sooooo not my usual cup of tea. It's definitely not anything bad but it's just that his thing is very new and different from what I'm used to. I'm actually intrigued by my own intrigue in our dynamic. It's strangely good. Great even. No, we're not on "boo" status, but if things continue as they are (undisturbed) it's definitely in the cards. More on him later...
- I've matured! I
'm still a dork. I'm still immature enough to continue to foam at the mouth in anticipation for the Disney Vault release of my uber fave, "Sleeping Beauty" in November. But I'm...I don't know...more "womanly"? More grown up. I call adults stupid all the time (out loud) and it's usually justified. I'm still stupid but I'm smarter. Most of my past opinions mirror what I think today. I'm still evil. I still hate to be called "nice". Just more appreciated for being me: good, bad, and f'ing ANNOYING;-)
This is a good enough start right?
My business is starting to move (seemingly without me) and it's so eerily wonderful, I can't wait to tell you more about it. I need a few more things to solidify before that disclosure but it's forthcoming. I promise!
Okay, that's it folks.
I need to go.
This dude in the corner has been gawking at me for quite some time,
and I think he's 5 minutes shy of mustering up the courage to talk to me...

Also glad to hear you kicked that job to the curb! (But I'm sure that goes without saying.)
Welcome back!
Your short baby's mama
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